10 Tips On How To NOT Smell Like Weed

As much as we all love weed, the one thing which makes the experience less exciting is the smell. Just like cigarettes, the smell of cannabis can stick to a person when they smoke.

10 Tips On How To NOT Smell Like Weed

Smoking weed has many benefits such as being good for a person’s health and helping with anxiety which is why it is so popular, however smelling like weed can come across as unprofessional away from the home and is not favored by many.

The smell of weed is strong and because of this it can seem impossible to mask, however there is a way. This article will be exploring how to mask the smell of weed in more detail down below.

How To Not Smell Like Weed: Top 10 Tips

Use An Air Freshener Or Sprayer

One of the easiest ways to get rid of the smell of weed in your home is to use an air freshener or spray. These are great if you are masking the smell for yourself but may not be suitable if you want to hide the smell from others.

They also do not last very long and may cause your room to become overly fragrant. If you decide to use these methods make sure that you only use them for your own benefit.

Spray Your Clothes With Deodorant

Another simple way to get rid of the stench of weed is to simply spray some deodorant onto your clothes. Make sure that you find a scented spray which will be able to cover the smell on your clothing.

If you don’t have deodorant, feel free to use a perfume or an aftershave. These products are made to be long lasting so will get the job done.

Use A Dry Shampoo

Another method which is becoming increasingly popular is to use dry shampoo. Dry shampoos are sprays that help absorb oils and sweat from your hair.

There are various types available including those specifically designed to cover up the smell of marijuana. You can buy them online or at any beauty store. Be careful though as some of these products contain chemicals which could potentially harm your skin.

Wash Your Hands Often

The best way to avoid getting the smell of weed on you is to wash your hands often. It is important that you wash your hands regularly especially if you plan on smoking weed.

When washing your hands make sure that you use soap and water and scrub your hands well. If you are using a hand sanitizer then make sure that you apply it properly.

Don’t Smoke Too Much

The most common mistake people make when trying to mask the smell of cannabis is to smoke too much. While smoking does have its benefits, it is still considered a drug and should therefore be used responsibly.

Try to limit your intake of weed to decrease the smell’s strength.

Avoid Hotboxing

Hotboxing is popular amongst many weed smokers as it helps to increase their high. Hotboxing consists of smoking in a space with no access to ventilation (e.g., smoking in the car with closed windows).

Whilst this may seem positive at the time, you will come out smelling of marijuana. Make sure when you smoke to always have a window open to air out the room or, better yet, smoke outside.

Keep Your Room Clean

If you live in a small apartment or house, try to keep your living area clean. If you smoke weed in your bedroom, make sure that you vacuum and dust every day.

If you smoke in another room, make sure that you wipe down surfaces regularly. This will ensure that there is less chance that you will leave traces of weed behind.

Eat Edibles

One of the simplest ways to eliminate the smell of weed is to eat edibles. Eating edibles allows you to consume larger amounts of THC in a shorter amount of time than by smoking.

Some of the most popular edibles include cookies, brownies, candy bars, gummies and drinks.

What is great about edibles is that it leaves no smell on your clothing or in your hair so no one will be able to smell the weed on you. The only problem with eating edibles is that they take longer to kick in than smoking.

Wear Cover Ups

Wearing an additional t-shirt or sweater over your clothes while smoking is one of the easiest ways to hide the smell of weed. Just like cigarettes, weed sticks to your clothing very easily.

To prevent this, cover up your clothing with a jacket or heavy sweater and take it off to reveal a fresh set of clothes when you have finished smoking.

Wear Your Hair Up

To further reduce the smell of weed, wear your hair up. Wearing your hair up keeps your hair protected and prevents the odor from spreading through your hair. A high ponytail or bun will suffice.

Why Do People Smoke Weed?

The topic of weed is very controversial and only in some countries and US states is weed allowed.

Most of us know that weed has many positives to it such as relieving symptoms of depression and helping with muscle pain, however the thing which brings it down is its smell. With a smell so strong, why do people still opt to smoke weed?


Smoking weed is a social activity for many people. It can help bring people together and create new friendships. When you are around other people who smoke, you are more likely to smoke yourself.


Smoking weed helps relax people and makes them feel good. Many people enjoy smoking because it gives them a feeling of relaxation.

Mood Elevator

When you smoke weed, it can elevate your mood. You might find yourself laughing harder, having fun, and enjoying life more.

Pain Reliever

People use cannabis to relieve pain in their body. They also use it to treat anxiety and stress.

Sleep Aid

Many people claim that they sleep better after smoking weed. For example, if you suffer from insomnia, then smoking weed before going to bed could help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Energy Boost

Many people say that they feel energized after smoking weed. It can give you energy and boost your mood.


Many people believe that marijuana can help fight depression. It may not cure depression but it can ease the symptoms.

Muscle Relaxer

Some people think that smoking weed can help them relax their muscles. This can be helpful for those who suffer from chronic backaches.


Smoking weed increases antioxidants in your body. These antioxidants can protect your body against diseases.

Claims Of Curing Cancer

Cannabis contains compounds called cannabinoids. There are two main types: Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD does not produce a psychoactive effect whereas THC produces a “high”. Studies show that THC can slow cancer growth and shrink tumors.

Are Edibles A Better Option?

It can be argued that edibles are a better option as you do not run the risk of smelling like weed. With smoking on the other hand, you will be able to tell straight away that marijuana has been used.

If you are wanting to mask the smell then edibles may be a better option but smoking is still a popular choice despite the smell.

This is because smoking provides quick effects compared to edibles where you may have to wait a number of hours before feeling anything.

How To Store Weed

You don’t have to smoke weed for your home to smell like weed, and this is all down to storing. When it comes to storing, you should not keep your weed out as the smell will naturally linger. It is important to store it away correctly.

The best way to store your weed is in airtight containers. Make sure that you seal the container well and avoid using plastic bags. A glass jar or tin is ideal for storage.

What about temperature? If you want to keep your weed fresh, make sure that you keep it at room temperature in a dark and dry location. Avoid keeping it in direct sunlight as this can cause the plant matter to rot.

If you live in a humid climate, you should store your weed in an airtight container with desiccant material. Desiccant absorbs moisture so your weed won’t get too wet.

How Long Does Weed Stay Fresh?

When it comes to how long weed stays fresh, there isn’t a set time period. The amount of time depends on how you store and look after your weed. Naturally, the newer the weed, the fresher it will be, the stronger the smell.

However, with this said, weed still does stay fresh enough for a substantial amount of time. If stored correctly, you can find weed lasting anywhere from between 6 months and an entire year.

Although it will start to lose some of its natural aroma, it will still be fresh enough to use.

Final Thoughts

Smoking weed is a good experience for many but the only downside is the strong smell it leaves. Nobody wants to be smelling of weed which is why people search for remedies to help.

In this article, we have taken you through 10 ways to mask the smell of weed.

Although many people choose to smoke cannabis, others prefer to eat it using edibles. This is another great way to prevent the smell of weed and a good alternative from smoking.

Regardless of which method you choose, it’s always good to know what to expect when consuming weed. By following these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy your next dose without any unpleasant surprises.

Tom Bowler