Are Magic Truffles The Same As Magic Mushrooms?

For as long as we can remember, magic mushrooms have been a part of our culture and are used by many people for their magical effects.

Magic mushrooms are also known as psilocybin or psilocin mushrooms. They are psychedelic in nature and are found growing on woody plants such as the Psilocybe genus.

Are Magic Truffles The Same As Magic Mushrooms?

These mushrooms contain compounds called psilocybin and psilocin which produce hallucinations when ingested.

Psilocybin mushrooms have been used recreationally since the 1960s. In the 1970s, it became illegal to possess them in most countries.

However, there has been an increase in their popularity over the last few decades. More recently, a variant of these mushrooms, known as magic truffles, has become more well known.

So, what are magic truffles, and are they any different from magic mushrooms?

We’ll cover the answer in this article, including whether they are more potent than the other, and their general effects.

Keep reading to learn more about magic truffles and magic mushrooms!

Psilocybin Mushrooms And Truffles

Both psilocybin mushrooms and psilocybin truffles are very similar.

They both contain the same active ingredients, psilocybin, psilocin, and baeocystin. However, the way they are grown makes them slightly different.

Truffles are cultivated underground while mushrooms grow above ground. This difference means that they take longer to mature than mushrooms.

When they do reach maturity, they are harvested and dried before being sold.

Truffles are usually smaller than mushrooms, with some varieties weighing less than 1 gram. Some mushrooms weigh up to 10 grams.

Mushrooms are generally larger than truffles. They can be anywhere between 2-and 10 centimeters wide and are typically brown.

They may be made from the same compounds, but they both have different distinctions, including their legality, potency, and their effects.

Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms, are some of the best-known types of psychedelics. Studies around their effects occurred in the sixties.

Some believe that magic mushrooms were used in the prehistoric era for ritualistic purposes, with some wondering whether they were accountable for the birth of consciousness itself.

Psilocybin truffles, also known as magic truffles, are a modern variant that became popular after the Dutch government prohibited Psilocybin mushrooms in 2008.

Magic mushrooms became illegal, but truffles remained legal, and are still sold in specialist shops in Amsterdam.

Facts About Magic Mushrooms And Magic Truffles

Magic Mushrooms

  • Used for centuries since 1000 BC
  • A single dose ranges from 10-40 mg, which is around 1-4 grams of dried mushrooms
  • Many different types
  • High can last between four and eight hours
  • Very low chance of physical addiction

Magic Truffles

  • Became popular after the Dutch prohibited magic mushrooms in 2008
  • Created in a temperature and humidity controlled environment to avoid mycelium growth
  • Usually sold in 15-gram boxes sorted by potency
  • High can last between three and five hours
  • Very low chance of physical addiction

Psilocybin Effects

  • Causes ego drop and sensation of connection with the universe and one’s self
  • Creates feelings of unity with the planet and nature
  • Can be between a good and bad trip, leading to unpredictable emotions
  • Coming up is quite severe, but the come-down tends to be serene and calm

The trip can involve losing touch with reality. Awareness and bearings can drastically change, making it hard to understand where you are and what’s happening around you.

Psilocybin can create a feeling of sinking into the ground and being unable to move. This is why lying down in a comfortable space is recommended during a trip.

Can produce amazing visions and hallucinations. Echoes and sounds that aren’t there may occur.

Psilocybin can over-stimulate the senses, which is why a safe place with no potential intruders is the best setting for a trip.

Avoid loud music and bright lights.

It has been proven that psilocybin can cause depression and anxiety when taken in high doses or too frequently.

Many go through an introspective trip and encounter revolutionary stances that can change their point of view.

How Magic Truffles And Magic Mushrooms Are Different

Psilocybin mushrooms and psilocybin truffles both contain the same active compounds, but they do have a few differences.

Are Magic Truffles The Same As Magic Mushrooms?


As they have the same active psychedelic ingredients, most of the world considers truffles and mushrooms illegal drugs.

The only country that finds the two different is The Netherlands.

This is one of the only European countries where possessing small amounts of psilocybin is decriminalized or legal.

The rest of the world finds both drugs illegal, which is why psychedelic enthusiasts opt for mushrooms.

In these locations, mushrooms are more commonplace and are thought to deliver a more introspective experience.

Trip Severity

The main difference between mushrooms and truffles is the trip severity. This is hard to assess scientifically, as there are lots of different kinds of mushrooms and truffles.

However, reports on truffles tend to describe gentler trips. The hallucinations aren’t as intense and users retain a better ability to talk and move.

Truffles don’t overburden the senses as much, which is why most users aren’t known to encounter serious issues when taking truffles in exciting settings, such as Amsterdam.

Nevertheless, when it comes to chemical composition, truffles and mushrooms are the same.

The concentration may be different, but a high dose of truffles could still produce an experience as intense as mushrooms.

Truffle consumption is more regulated, as packs contain a specific amount with a distinctly labeled potency.

These also come with an instructional booklet and advice from the vendor selling them. This is why people are less likely to overdose on magic truffles compared to magic mushrooms.

The Actual Trip

Truffle trips are thought of as a fun experience, but mushroom ones are referred to as intense, reflective journeys.

As the two contain the same compounds, there shouldn’t be many differences in what the experience involves, but the gentler effects from truffles seem to deliver an easygoing trip.

Truffles do create distortions, but the world doesn’t seem that different. Things may seem more humourous on truffles, but more awe-inspiring on mushrooms.

The best position will be lying down, but some may not have an issue with walking around and seeing the wonder of nature outside.

Truffles won’t usually create a spiritual effect like mushrooms will. The visions aren’t as strong, while the revelations are usually surface level.

However, this will all depend on how much is taken, the user’s state of mind, and the environment chosen for the experience.

Remember, truffles still can create an identical trip to mushrooms, so they should always be taken in smaller doses.

Safety Issues

Bad trips are always a possibility with psychedelics. They may be less likely to occur with truffles compared to mushrooms, but truffles can still create problematic incidents.

Bad trips are hard to get out of as the user loses their awareness. This is why setting good intentions before a trip is always a good idea.


Now you know some of the differences between magic mushrooms and magic truffles!

They both contain the same active ingredients, but the experiences are quite different.

Truffles are only decriminalized in The Netherlands, but both items are considered illegal everywhere else.

While truffles are considered ‘milder’ trips, mushrooms are often described as being more powerful.

The trip itself will depend on the dosage taken, the person consuming them, and the environment chosen.

Bad trips are always a possibility with mushrooms and truffles, but trustworthy people, a comfortable setting, and good intentions will all help the experience remain positive.

Tom Bowler