Can You Smoke A Male Cannabis Plant?

If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, then you already know that the plant is an amazing source of medicine and pleasure.

If you’re new to the world of cannabis, it can be hard to understand how this plant works.

In fact, many people have never even heard of cannabis until they started using it for medical reasons or recreational purposes.

Cannabis has been used as a medicine since ancient times. The first written reference to cannabis was in China around 2700 B.C., where it was described as a treatment for rheumatism and gout.

It wasn’t until the 1500s that European doctors began prescribing cannabis to treat epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, anxiety, glaucoma, menstrual cramps, and other ailments.

The history of marijuana use goes back thousands of years. In fact, it’s believed that marijuana was one of the first plants cultivated by humans.

For example, archaeologists have found evidence of hemp cultivation dating back 5,000 years ago in what is now Turkey.

Can You Smoke A Male Cannabis Plant?

Today, there are over 60 active compounds in cannabis that work together to create powerful effects on our bodies and minds.

While THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) is best known for its psychoactive properties, CBD (cannabidiol) offers benefits beyond just getting high.

For instance, CBD helps reduce pain and inflammation—perfect for relieving the symptoms of arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic diseases.

It also fights stress, depression, PTSD, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, acne, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, infertility, and more.

In addition, CBD oil may help improve some negative side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue3.

The most common way to consume CBD is through edibles, tinctures, concentrates, topicals, vape oils, and transdermal patches.

However, if you want to get your daily dose of cannabidiol from food, you might consider eating a handful of these foods that contain CBD.

What Is The Difference Between Male & Female Cannabis Plants?

You may have seen pictures online of male and female cannabis plants growing side by side. This is because the two sexes of cannabis flower at different times.

Female plants produce flowers when their buds reach about half their final size. They will continue producing flowers until they die.

During flowering time, female plants produce large amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes.

Male plants do not produce any flowers. Instead, they grow long stems called stalks. Their leaves are smaller than those of females.

Male plants produce less cannabinoid and terpene content during flowering, but they make up for it with higher yields.

When Should I Harvest My Marijuana?

If you plan on smoking your weed, harvest should take place before the end of October.

That’s when the amount of THC starts decreasing. When harvesting, you’ll need to remove all the buds from the plant.

If you plan on making edibles, then harvest can be done anytime between September and November.

Can I Smoke Male Marijuana Plants?

While males don’t produce flowers, they still produce buds. If you want to smoke male cannabis plants, you’ll have to wait until they start flowering again.

It takes about three months for a male plant to go from vegetative growth to blooming. After this period, the plant produces seeds.

You should maintain a vigilant eye on your male cannabis plant during the growing process in order to cultivate the best buds.

If your marijuana plant is not exposed to enough light, the buds may not grow correctly, and you will waste your crop.

Therefore, knowing how to distinguish between different plants is essential in order to cultivate your male cannabis plant correctly. 

How To Grow Your Own Weed: How To Start Growing Pot At Home

How To Grow Your Own Weed: How To Start Growing Pot At Home

Growing pot isn’t as difficult as many people think. In fact, it’s easier than you think! All you need is a bit of knowledge and patience.

Growing marijuana indoors is an excellent choice for beginners who want to try their hand at growing pot. But first, you’ll need to know how to grow pot outdoors.

The following guide will teach you everything you need to know to grow your own weed indoors.

Step 1: Choose The Right Location

Before you begin growing pot indoors, you must choose the right location. Make sure there is enough sunlight and ventilation in order to keep your plants healthy.

Step 2: Prepare the Soil

First, prepare the soil. Add compost and peat moss to the soil. Then add fertilizer.

Step 3: Watering

Water your plants regularly using a soaker hose. Use a timer to ensure that you water them every day.

Step 4: Light

Place your plants under bright lights. Turn off the lights after sunset.

Step 5: Feeding

Feed your plants once or twice per week.

Step 6: Propagation

Propagate your plants whenever you see new shoots coming out. Cut them off and replant them into fresh pots.

Step 7: Flowering

Keep your plants warm and dry during the winter months. Once spring arrives, give your plants some light shade.

Step 8: Harvesting

Harvest your plants when they’re ready. Wait until the buds are fully formed, and the trichomes are sticky.

Step 9: Clean up

Clean up your garden after harvesting. Remove any dead plants and dispose of them properly.

Step 10: Enjoy!

Now that you’ve learned everything you need to know about growing pot indoors, enjoy your freshly harvested bud!

Is It Legal To Buy Female Marijuana Seeds Online?

Yes, female marijuana seeds are legal to buy online. However, you may face issues if you purchase them from overseas sellers.

You cannot legally import female marijuana seeds from other countries because they contain THC levels that violate federal law.

What Is The Best Way To Store Marijuana Seeds?

If you want to store your marijuana seeds, make sure that you use a cool, dark place with good air circulation.

You can also freeze your seeds. Just put them in ziploc bags and freeze them. When you thaw them, let them sit at room temperature for 24 hours before planting.

Do Female Marijuana Plants Have Buds?

Female marijuana plants do not have buds. They only have leaves. However, male marijuana plants have buds. These buds contain high-THC content.

How Long Does It Take For A Marijuana Plant To Bloom?

A marijuana plant usually starts producing buds around two weeks after germination. It takes three to four weeks for the buds to mature. You should ensure that your plant has fully matured prior to harvesting. 

How Much Can I Grow Indoors?

A typical indoor cannabis grower grows between 500 and 1000 grams of dried bud each month. This means that you can produce approximately 100 pounds of dried marijuana within one year.


To conclude, you can smoke male cannabis plants. Whilst male cannabis plants do not grow leaves, they still produce buds.

Female cannabis plants produce leaves instead. Male cannabis plants contain some cannabinoids like THC, however, female cannabis plants will get you far higher due to their THC content.

Tom Bowler