Cannabis Candles And How You Can Make Your Own

Cannabis has a big impact on many people’s lives. Whether people use it for medical purposes or for leisure, cannabis is a natural plant which can transform any individual.

Cannabis can come in a variety of forms yet the one form people know the least about is candles. 

Cannabis Candles And How You Can Make Your Own

These candles are a revelation and are known to completely change the feel of any setting.

This article will be exploring more on the cannabis candle as well as guiding you through the steps of making your own.

What Is A Cannabis Candle?

A cannabis candle is a wax product that contains CBD (cannabidiol). It is made from either hemp or marijuana plants but the most common type of cannabis candle is made from hemp.

Hemp is a low-THC strain of cannabis (tetrahydrocannabinol) and this is the chemical responsible for giving users a high feeling. 

CBD, on the other hand, does not have this effect. CBD is non-psychoactive. It also helps with pain relief, anxiety, inflammation and sleep disorders.

All of the elements found in the cannabis plant are infused to create a candle which people can enjoy in their own home environment.

How Does A Cannabis Candle Work?

When you light a cannabis candle, it releases the aroma of the plant into the air. You get the benefits of the plant without getting high.

The THC content in these candles is very small so they do not give off an intoxicating smell or psychoactive response.

This candle is instead aimed at creating a calm and relaxed environment for those in the room with it.

Why Choose A Cannabis Candle Over Other Types Of Candles?

There Are A Number Of Reasons Why Choosing A Cannabis Candle Over Others Is A Good Idea. We Will Be Listing These Below

1. They are affordable

2. They do not give off an intoxicating smell or high feeling

3. They have no chemicals in them which can harm people with asthma and other health issues

4. They are great for relaxing in the home

5. They are easy to use

6. They are safe for children

7. They are good for pets

8. They are environmentally friendly

9. They are non-toxic

10. They are made from natural ingredients


What Is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils for healing. Essential oils are extracted from flowers, leaves, roots and stems of various plants. There are thousands of different types of essential oils available today.

Some of the best essential oils include lavender, chamomile, rosemary, lemon balm and peppermint. These oils have been used throughout history for medicinal purposes.

Using these oils can help improve moods, relieve stress, ease muscle spasms, reduce pain, aid digestion, boost energy levels and much more.

Cannabis Candles for Aromatherapy

Using a cannabis candle for aromatherapy is a wonderful way to relax yourself and treat yourself at home. When lighting a cannabis candle for aromas, make sure that you choose a scent that suits you.

Although infused with cannabis, you will not be welcomed by that strong smell but instead filled with smells of lemon, orange, sandalwood, whatever scent you choose.

These smells help further with the aromatherapy to relax the mind and body.

How Do I Use A Cannabis Candle For Myself And Others?

Using a cannabis candle is simple. Simply place the candle somewhere where you want to relax and inhale its scent. You could put it in your bathroom, bedroom or living room.

What is great about these candles is how they are presented, perfect to be placed on display in any room.

Can You Make Your Own Cannabis Candle?

It is very possible and very easy to make your own cannabis candle.

Whilst these candles are available in a number of places, making your own is a fun activity to get involved in.

Below, we will be teaching you just how you can make your own cannabis candles with these quick and easy steps.

You Will Need

  • Mason jar
  • Hot glue gun
  • Candle wax
  • Thermometer
  • Card stock
  • Double boiler
  • Hemp seed oil

How to

Step 1

Melt your candle wax using a double boiler. If you do not have a double boiler, you can use a glass bowl over a saucepan with boiler water instead.

Step 2

Now the candle wax is melting, you can then take the hot glue gun and use it to glue to wick to the bottom of the mason jar. Make sure that this wick is in the center of the jar.

Step 3

With the wax still melting, you should now cut your card stock. When doing this, make sure it is cut slighter bigger than the jar itself and cut a hole in the middle to suspend the wick.

Step 4

By now the candle wax should be fully melted. Allow this to cool to around 120 F before adding the cannabis oil/hemp seed.

Step 5

Finally, pour this mixture into the jar and let it cool completely.

Cannabis Candles And How You Can Make Your Own (1)

What Are The Different Ways To Use Cannabis?

There are many ways to use cannabis other than through the use of a candle. It can be smoked, vaped, eaten, applied topically, taken orally etc. The beauty of cannabis is that it has so many uses.

Below, we will teach you some of the most common ways to use cannabis.


When smoking cannabis, you will notice that there are two main forms of smoke. The first type is called “dry” smoke. This is when you light up a joint or bong and inhale the smoke directly out of the device.

Dry smoke contains THC which gives users a high feeling. The second form of smoke is known as “wet” smoke. Wet smoke is when you heat up a bowl of weed and add a small amount of hashish oil.

Then, you roll the joint and inhale the smoke from the joint. This method allows you to enjoy the effects of both THC and CBD.


Vaping is one of the best methods of consuming cannabis because it doesn’t require much effort. All you need is an e-cigarette and a vape cartridge.

With vaping, you simply fill the cartridge with marijuana concentrate and then insert it into the e-cigarette. Once inserted, turn it on and inhale.


Cannabis can also be ingested through eating. There are different types of edibles such as gummies, brownies, cookies, chocolates etc. These are all popular ways to consume cannabis.

Topical Application

Cannabis can also be used topically. By applying cannabis topically, you can treat various skin conditions. For example, if you suffer from acne, you can apply cannabis topically to help clear the breakouts.

You can also use cannabis topically for pain relief.

Oral Consumption

Another way to consume cannabis is by taking it orally. This is done by ingesting cannabis seeds, oils, capsules, tinctures etc. Some people prefer to eat their weed rather than vaporize it.

Effects Of Using Cannabis

Using cannabis can give you a lot of benefits. However, there are certain side effects associated with using cannabis. Below, we will discuss these effects.

Increased Appetite

One of the biggest effects of using cannabis is increased appetite.

If you have been trying to lose weight, you may want to try using cannabis. In fact, studies show that cannabis helps reduce hunger pangs.

Increased Energy Levels

If you feel tired throughout the day, you could benefit from using cannabis. Studies show that cannabis increases energy levels.

Pain Relief

If you suffer from chronic pain, you might want to consider using cannabis. It has been proven to relieve pain.

Sleep Aid

Some people find that they sleep better after using cannabis. This is due to the sedative effect of cannabinoids in cannabis.

Stress Relief

Studies show that cannabis can help reduce stress.

Mood Elevation

Many people who use cannabis report that they experience mood elevation. They say that cannabis makes them happy.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to use cannabis but the one which gets spoken about the least is the candle.

Cannabis candles are great for every home as it releases an aroma into the room to help relax the body and mind. What’s more is that they can be made at home which we have explained through our helpful step-by-step guide above.

So there is no need to wait any longer. Introduce the cannabis candle into your home and allow it to create a pleasant space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Cannabis Candles Safe?

Yes, cannabis candles are completely safe and should be used responsibly just like any other regular candle.

Are Cannabis Candles Safe Around Children?

As there is little to no trace of THC, this candle is safe around children. It is only made to relax.

Where Can You Buy Cannabis Candles?

Cannabis candles can be found in many online retailers such as Etsy and Ebay.

Tom Bowler