Dab Rigs: How To Clean Them From Your Home!

As with many things you might own, if you do not keep up with cleaning a dab rig as often as you can, over time it will clog up with gunk and this is detrimental to your overall experience.

Why settle for mediocrity when you can do some basic cleaning methods and get the best out of your dab!

Dab Rigs: How To Clean Them From Your Home

Cleaning your dab rig isn’t actually all that difficult either, so after we give you some handy tips, there’s no excuse not to keep up with it!

Here’s what to do!

Wait – What’s A Dab Rig?

If you’re reading this, and you’re feeling a little lost, don’t worry, we’ve got that covered too! A dab rig is the device that you dab out of.

You’re probably wondering what a dab is now, right?

A dab is a type of cannabis compound like terpenes and cannabinoids.

After trichomes are separated from the cannabis flower, they are pressed up using a number of different ways.

The overall consistency of dabs changes though, which depends on different factors. You might have wax, budder or shatter for example.

Whatever you have though, over a number of uses – they’ll definitely begin clogging up your dab rig, so it’ll need a frequent clean!

Cleaning Your Dab Rig – What To Do

We’re going to take you through the process of cleaning your dab rig, but before we do – you’re going to need to get yourself a few things:

  • Dab rig
  • Banger
  • Dab torch
  • Cotton swab
  • Salt
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Large Ziploc bags

Now you’ve got these, let’s get started.

Observe – Do You Need To Torch?

If you’ve neglected your dab banger, the chances are it’s going to be full of gunk. Depending on the severity of the “dirtiness”, you may need to take several steps.

The first thing to do is to torch your banger, and we do mean, really torch it!

Hopefully, this will get everything inside to vaporize, melt or fall off. You’ll have to clean it anyway, but this gets the most difficult areas freed up.

Time To Clean The Banger

Okay, so you’ve got the worst of the debris out – but now it’s time that you actually clean it. Think of it like getting the food off your plate, but now it’s time to get the suds on it.

Take your Ziploc bag and put a mixture of salt and rubbing alcohol in it.

Now, drop the banger into it and seal the bag. Shake it about and ensure that it’s completely covered and swilling around.

You’ll notice that the bag is starting to change color and the bits within are all flowing out of your banger.

Once you think enough is enough, take the banger out and rinse it off with cold water.

Now, get your cotton swab and check the insides. Clear out anything that’s leftover and rinse again with cold water.

Time To Clean The Rig Chamber And Base

To clean these out, you follow exactly the same advice as the previous point. However, this will largely depend on the size of your device.

If your device is too big for a bag, pour the solution into the banger and seal the reservoir caps with your fingers or something else.

Any gunk and leftovers will fall to the bottom of the banger.

This is known as cannabis reclaim, and some people collect this and reuse it for their bowl, joints or edibles.

We wouldn’t advise this for hygiene reasons including things like tar and ash. Additionally, if any of the solution has mixed with it – you could make yourself sick.

Once you’ve done all this, ensure you rinse it all thoroughly with cold water. Really blast it through!

Allow Time To Dry

You’ll want to air-dry your device and connections. Even after using cold water, some rubbing alcohol may still be present, and you really don’t want to be inhaling any of that.

We’d recommend doing this for 24 hours. Cleaning right before bed is a good idea and then coming back the next day before bed for use is a sure fire way to remain safe.

Time To Put Everything Back Together

You need to reattach the banger to the rig base now! If you notice that it isn’t completely dry, or you suspect it still has present alcohol, leave it for a while longer.

Dab Rigs: How To Clean Them From Your Home!

Reward Your Hard Work – Fresh Dab!

You may as well have one while it’s there! You’ll notice that the taste, smell and overall experience is much better, and it’ll certainly motivate you to keep it this way.

Why You Should Keep Your Dab Rig Clean

To be honest, we’ve never really understood why people don’t keep their dab rig clean. Not keeping it clean, aside from being unpleasant to take, can be bad for your health.

There’s a reason why we clean our cups, plates and cutlery after every use you know! Here are some of the main reasons why hygiene is so important.


It’s probably of no surprise to you that smoking from a clean device is far better for its taste than when it’s full of gunk. This is because nothing is affecting its taste or aroma.

It also allows for more room – a lack of room can completely change the taste and smell.

You Can Get Sick

If you never clean your items, you wouldn’t be surprised if you got sick.

Bacteria and dust can gather and if you put them to your mouth, they will travel to your lungs. You may get a minor cough, or you may contract something more serious.

So, it’s definitely advised to clean frequently!

Not Getting What You Pay For

Imagine you bought the most expensive meal, only to find out you had to eat it out of a bucket and use a toothbrush. You wouldn’t be happy, would you?

The same applies here. Concentrates are not exactly cheap, so you’ll want to ensure nothing is affecting the experience.

It Reduces Extra Work In The Future

There’s an old saying “a stitch in time saves nine”. This means that small tasks done earlier can save you doing larger tasks in the future.

Consider this, if you are going to cotton swab your dab rig every day after every use – the likelihood of your device getting clogged up with gunk is significantly reduced.

What this means for you is not having to struggle to do the big clean. Let’s face it, when things are cleaner – they’re easier to maintain. It’s much like letting a food-burned pan to soak in water, so it’s easier to clean later.

And nobody wants to struggle cleaning things – so ensuring you’re keeping up with the cleaning is paramount.

How To Keep Your Dab Rig Clean

You know, you don’t need to do a full clean every day. In reality, you can make things quicker and easier if you do basic things.


  • Use a cotton swab to get rid of any leftover gunk
  • Cover with a dust-free covering
  • Inspect


  • Inspect
  • Clean dab banger
  • Clean dab chamber and base
  • Rinse and air-dry thoroughly for 24 hours


  • Inspect
  • Possibly replace

What Else Should I Know About Dab Rigs?

When it comes to dab rigs, there are many types available on the market.

Some are made of metal, others plastic, but all of them have one thing in common; they’re designed to hold concentrates.

There are two main styles of dab rigs. One style has a single bowl, while the other has multiple bowls. Remember though, more doesn’t always mean better!

The Bottom Line

Cleaning your dab rig is essential for your experience and for your general health! If you follow some basic tips and keep a routine going, you’ll find everything much easier.

Tom Bowler