Gelonade Review: Why Is It So Popular?

The legalization of cannabis across many states, for both medicinal and recreational usage, has led to horticultural conditions where the cultivation and genetic engineering of the cannabis plant has reached an optimal level.

Gelonade Review: Why Is It So Popular?

With this great combination of commercial agriculture as well as the resources of scientific and botanical investigation we have been treated to strains that seek to optimize the most desirable aspects of marijuana that people want.

Now treated as a commercial good, the once exiled plant has become a good which we can engineer to almost exactly what the consumer wants.

Down in Orange County one of these perfect specimens is the Gelonade strain which hits the perfect spot of a sativa dominant bud which brings all the get up and go you need to be a productive stoner while still enjoying its euphoric and relaxing effects.

Since the strain was awarded the coveted Cannabis Cup from High Times in 2018, the bud has grown around the US, both literally and in popularity.

Let’s explore this new strain and why many enjoy it so much.


In order to understand anything, going back to the start can always be a good approach.

This remains true with marijuana strains as the reasons why they can become such a good strain is often because of their genetic mix.

If popularity could be passed down the genetic line, which it can’t, Gelonade’s genetic parent Gelato would certainly be the culprit.

Gelato is a super popular strain of marijuana that has become a ‘name brand’ since it was spliced itself. This is a favorite strain for rappers to quote in their lyrics.

Gelato is an indica dominant strain that has high THC levels, so Gelato can get a lot from its Humboldt County parent particularly its heavy effects without clouding the mind.

The corresponding parent is another genetic gem, Lemon Tree. Lemon Tree is a hybrid itself, a cross of two other infamous strains Lemon Skunk and Sour Diesel.

Together all these elements make Lemon Tree powerful but also attribute some desirable flavor and smell effects that help Gelonade become a unique and sought after smoke.


The aesthetic qualities of this bud are another place to attribute the strains popularity to.

The bud exhibits a wide range of colors from the amber pistils to dark green leaves, to acid green buds and purple hues.

When grown properly, and smothered in white THC trichomes, the bud isn’t far off what a perfect marijuana plant would look like. This bud is the stuff of dreams.

Flavor And Aroma

Once you have tasted the bud, you will know why this is such a big draw.

Beyond the effects, which we will get into, this bud tastes great – likely a big thanks to the genetic conditions which created the Lemon Tree parent as well as the well loved Gelato.

There’s a lot going on, genetically, skunk, diesel, but also fruity citrus notes typical of a sativa dominant bud such as this one.

Gelonade Review: Why Is It So Popular?

This is likely thanks to the dominance of the terpene Terpinolene which isn’t too common as the dominant terpene in a strain.

This terpene is also present in things like apples, lilacs, and nutmeg but is a herbal and floral scent that when paired with the skunky and diesel genetics create a unique but ultimately pleasant flavor as well as thick smoke.

The thick smoke has a strong scent that should be treated with caution when in public. But the strong aroma is a classic sign of a potent strain which has been grown in perfect conditions.

Many find the pairing of the aroma and the flavor to be very desirable and certainly adds to the bud’s desirable features.

General Effects

Of course, the most important feature that draws most people to this strain are its engineered effects.

Modern horticultural methods mean that this bud has basically been engineered to absorb the desirable features we would want from a sativa while cutting out the bad ones.

As a sativa dominant strain, you get all the aspects of the sativa plant that we love – a clear, focused, get up and go mindset that when guided properly can lead us to be really productive and creative nd take on the daily domestic tasks or even more complex problems with a fresh and new mindset.

The perfect balancing act is performed by the botanists who created the strain as the thought-inducing effects are balanced out by the indica genetics that help this energy manifest itself positively rather than producing anxiety.

The bud is loved so much as it can make you a social butterfly without any anxiety, the indica is just enough to curtail the heebie jeebies that put people off sativa, but the energy it creates is a healthy interest to get things done without stress but with enjoyment.

We can thank Gelato for this, a strong genetic parent that has successfully provided potency without a cloudy mind.

Our Verdict

It should be clear from this feature that Gelonade has become very popular and the reasons are clear to all.

This bud enables the stoners of the world to be productive and creative but without that cloud of anxiety or debilitating body high which some strains of the past have failed to curtail.

Anyone who likes a sativa will find this strain to have perfected the effects, making a very popular and commercially available strain in Gelonade.

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Tom Bowler