Reuse Your Weed Stems: 6 Of The Best Ways!

There are so many levels to cannabis plants and some of them are often overlooked or even thrown away.

One of these areas is the weed stem. These are those sticks that typically appear with the nug. 

Reuse Your Weed Stems 6 Of The Best Ways!

Depending on the quality of your cannabis, you may have more than you’d normally expect with the more premium quality having less. 

Now, many people will be wondering – why can’t you simply just smoke the stems?

Well, the answer is pretty simple. The stems do not contain much THC, which is what we can thank for the feeling of being high.

More to this, you’ll likely feel your throat burning and cough a lot. It’s just not worth it! 

Having said that though, it doesn’t mean that you should simply throw them away.

We’ve created this guide with 6 of the best ways to reuse your stems. 

1. Make Yourself Some Tea H C

While stems may not contain much in the way of THC, they are not absent from it. One thing you could do is to brew yourself some fantastic herbal tea. 

Consider using the strongest and most potent strain to get your stems from as possible.

Create your cannabis tea as you normally would and consider adding something sweet like honey or sugar – just to take the edge off! 

2. Creative Cannabis Kitchens

Weed stems can be used in a number of cannabis products in the kitchen.

If you are used to making cannabis-infused cooking oil or cannabutter, all you’ll need to do is to add the stems into your mixture as normal. 

Don’t expect these stems to whack the strength or potency up of the edibles though, they’ll probably just give them more of a cannabis flavor. 

3. Cannabis Topical Cream

It’s no secret that cannabis can be fantastic when it comes to the medical world and this is no exception when it comes to skin care. 

It’s not too dissimilar a method of making cannabis-infused cooking oil, but you will need to add some beeswax to the equation. 

This cream is incredible for people who have skin burns, aches, pains and soreness. 

4. Make Them Kief

For those unfamiliar, kief refers to the grounds or leftovers that remain at the bottom of your grinder after being used. 

Most people will be collecting this to add to their bowl when you need an extra hit of strength or when things are running low. 

You can actually do this with stems, but it is a little more tricky.

You’ll have to get a sealed plastic bag and put the stems in there. Put the bag in the freezer and wait for the stems to simply crystallize until they’re dropping off. 

Then you just put them next to the rest of your collection. 

5. Make Paper!

Some people may be aware that hemp was a replacement for paper prior to the 1930s.

It was largely inexpensive, stronger and much less harmful to our world than the demands of regular paper. 

The fact is, you don’t actually need hemp to make paper – you can use your stems! That’s right. All you’ll need is a blender, a paper-making vat (or similar) and a place for the paper to hang. 

The method works by blending stems and paper together with water and allowing the mixture to dry. Once hanged, it will dry and after a few days – you’ve got what you were looking for! 

6. Make Candles More Fun

You may decide to make your weed stems into wicks for candles.

This is pretty simple to do and can leave the room smelling beautiful. All you’ll need to do is to get yourself a pair of average sized scissors.

Stretch your stems by using the inside of your scissors and pushing the stems towards the end of the tips.

Do this for a few stems until you have something similar to string and tie them together. 

You can then add these to beeswax and make your own unique weed-candle. Awesome! 

Reuse Your Weed Stems 6 Of The Best Ways! (1)

The Bottom Line

While most people would prefer it if their weed did not contain stems, they do have their uses. You just have to get a little creative and just have fun with it! 

Remember though, don’t expect for these stems to boost your high because they have little THC within them.

You should use them in a way that works with the rest of your cannabis, or as a creative product.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why Reuse Stems?

Stem reuse has been around since the beginning of time, but it wasn’t until recently that we started to see so many people doing it.

There are many reasons why stem reuse is becoming popular again, but one of the main ones is that it feels wrong to throw them out! 

In reality, reusing stems can help make some great weed products and can make your room smell great if you were going to make candles with weed wicks. 

Can I Just Eat Stems Raw?

Yes, absolutely! Some people prefer to eat raw stems because they feel as though they provide more nutrients than other parts of the plant.

They also contain some THC which means that eating them could give you a high. However, it’s important to note that smoking raw stems can give you some pain.

Can You Get High From Stems?

Stems generally contain little THC, so it’s not likely, but it’s also not impossible. It depends on the weed itself and how creative you are! 

If you want to try it, you should probably start small and work up to bigger amounts. If you’re feeling it, you might even like to try making edibles from your stems. 

What Are The Benefits Of Using Stems?

There are no specific benefits to using stems as such, but these methods are a way for you to use all of what you paid for. 

Not only this, but if you add it to your kief collection for example, you may find yourself saving some money rather than buying more weed right away. 

Tom Bowler