Say ‘See Ya!’ To Dirty Hits: The Ultimate Guide To Cleaning Your Weed Pipe, Rig, or Bong

If you’re using paraphernalia rather than the good old-fashioned joint to smoke your weed, you’re going to want to clean your set-up from time to time.

Be it pipe, bong, rig, or even vape, cleaning what you smoke from is an essential part of any healthy cannabis lifestyle.

Say ‘See Ya!’ to Dirty Hits The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Weed Pipe, Rig, or Bong.

You might even wonder what the point of cleaning your rig is, but trust us, you do not want to be smoking from a dirty set-up all the time. 

So, just how do you clean your weed pipe, rig, or bong?

Luckily for you, we’re about to run you through several different cleaning methods so that you can pick the one that works best for you.  

But first, just why should you even bother cleaning your set-up? After reading this you’ll never smoke from a dirty bong ever again.  

Why You Need To Clean Your Weed Pipe, Rig, Or Bong?

You know what resin is, right? It’s that sticky brown sediment that you’ll notice accumulating in your bong after a few smoking sessions.

Some of you (you absolute maniacs) have probably even tried smoking it before, but you really, really don’t want to be inhaling resin into your lungs if you can avoid it.  

Although cannabis use doesn’t appear to have any damaging long term health effects, we all know by now that the act of smoking itself is harmful, no matter what you’re smoking.

It damages the lungs and the respiratory system in general, and can put pressure on other organs like the heart. 

So, if you’re going to smoke your weed, you want to do it in the cleanest way possible, right? What you certainly don’t want to be doing is inhaling any of that nasty resin.

Can you imagine that tar-like residue in your lungs?

Not only will your lungs thank you, but regular cleaning also means that you get to savor the sweet taste of your bud properly, rather than having it spoiled by dirty glassware.  

There’s another reason you’ll want to keep your set-up clean, too, and that’s hygiene.

If you’re sharing your bud with others, you’ll obviously want to keep things clean to stop any germs from spreading.

Now we’re not saying your friends are dirty, but it’s better to be safe than sorry! 

Say ‘See Ya!’ to Dirty Hits The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Weed Pipe, Rig, or Bong. (1)

How To Clean A Weed Pipe, Rig, Or Bong

Now that you know why you need to clean what you smoke from, let’s look at the ‘how’.

We’ll go through some of the most popular methods, and with any luck, you’ll find the cleaning technique that works best for you.  

Method #1: Rubbing Alcohol And Rock Salt 

Rubbing alcohol is perhaps the most popular way to clean your glassware. Why? The simple answer is because it’s easy and it works. 

For bongs or rigs, simply pour some rubbing alcohol in along with some rock salt and shake it nice and hard for a little while.

The coarseness of the salt along with the vigorous shaking will break down the resin, and you can simply tip the mixture out of your piece.  

The same logic applies to pipes, except for this technique you’ll need a zip-lock bag. Simply place your pipe in the bag, submerge it in the alcohol (along with some rock salt) and seal the bag shut.

You can then shake the bag to your heart’s content, and voilà! When your pipe comes out of the bag it should be nice and clean.  

Give your piece a thorough rinse with some warm water and leave it to dry before you use it again.  

One thing to be wary of, though. Make sure your set-up is clear of any alcohol and totally dry before you try to use it again.

Otherwise, you could end up inhaling dangerous fumes- even worse for you than resin! 

Method #2: Baking Soda And Vinegar 

Vinegar and baking soda is another great way to clean your piece with readily available products that you might just have in the kitchen cupboard.

Simply use a large bowl to submerge your piece in the mixture for 10-15 minutes and let it do its thing. Remove your piece, rinse with warm water, and leave to dry.  

Method #3: Nail Polish Remover And Epsom Salt 

This is basically just a more thorough version of method one, and the same cleaning process applies.

This is the cleaning method for you if you’ve, err, neglected your piece for a while and it needs a deep clean, but you don’t want to go out and buy a specific product. 

Method #4: Weed Wipes 

Whilst there are easy and effective ways to clean your piece using everyday cleaning products, there are a number of products on the market specifically designed for the job of cleaning that dirty bong of yours.

Weed Wipes are one such product- a 100% organic and natural cleaning wipe that is specifically designed to break down resin. Simply wipe that resin off!  

However, it may be a little more difficult to clean those hard-to-reach places with these wipes alone. 

Method #5: Formula 420 

As the name suggests, this brand offers a selection of natural cleaning solutions for your glassware. For this method, apply the same technique as in method one, but replace the rubbing alcohol with Formula 420.

The big advantage of this method over methods that use harsh chemicals and salts is that formula 420 is all-natural and easier on both your pipe and your lungs (should you fail to dry your piece off properly before use).  

The Takeaway 

These are just some of the most popular methods to clean your smoking set-up.

Household products like rubbing alcohol, baking soda, and vinegar can be used to quickly and easily clean your piece, but be careful to ensure that it has been properly rinsed and dried before use- you don’t want to inhale chemical fumes! 

Failing that, there are specially designed weed cleaning products out there, which offer both impressive cleaning power and a clean that is kinder to your set-up. 

Tom Bowler