Smoking Out Of Cans: DDIY – Don’t Do It Yourself

As a smoker of bud we know that every so often you will find yourself without a key piece of kit. This leaves you wondering what you can use to smoke out of. A piece of tissue paper? Tin Foil?

Smoking Out Of Cans DDIY – Don’t Do It Yourself

Both of these are fairly common substitutes when you find yourself without smoking papers. But what if you used a can to fashion a pseudo pipe?

This is not something that we recommend. In fact, it can be detrimental to your health. The chemicals in the can are at times able to make you very sick. But why is this the case?

Let’s find out more in this article.

How Are Aluminum Cans Made?

Aluminum cans are made by melting aluminum and pouring it into molds. This process creates a liquid metal which then cools and solidifies to create a container.

While there are many different types of aluminum production techniques, they all share one thing in common. They all contain a ton of toxic chemicals.

You may have heard some rumors about aluminum being bad for you. These rumors stem from the fact that aluminum is found in pretty much everything around us. From food to drink bottles, we see aluminum on an almost daily basis.

And while it is true that some forms of aluminum can cause problems with our bodies, such as Alzheimer’s disease, most of the time aluminum isn’t harmful.

However, it does contain some nasty toxins. So let’s take a look at some of the more notable toxic components in an aluminum can.

Let’s Talk About The Inner Lining Of Cans

You probably think that the inner lining of a can is just aluminum, like the outside. But you would be wrong. Almost all modern aluminum cans have an interior lining or coating that is made of polymer.

But, that does not sound so bad, you might be thinking. Well, let us tell you a bit about what polymer is and why it is so bad for your health. Polymer is a type of plastic. Like plastic, it is also non-biodegradable.

Polymer linings are usually made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC has been linked with many different types of cancer including bladder, lung, colon, breast, prostate, and stomach cancers.

According to the National Cancer Institute, “The major source of exposure to vinyl chloride comes from the production of vinyl products such as vinyl flooring, siding, carpet padding, and other building materials.”

Polymers are also known to cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may even cause cancer. This is largely due to the possible addition of BPA in the polymer.

BPA is a chemical compound found in plastics that has been shown to affect hormone levels in men and women.

Let’s Talk About The Paint

The paint on the exterior of the can is usually thermoplastic or the thermoset. This means that both materials are highly likely to contain plastic. It is because of this plastic that it is definitely not safe for you to smoke with a can.

What Smoking Plastic Can Do To Your Body

When you inhale smoke from a can, the particles go through your body and into your lungs. These particles then come into contact with cells in your lungs and can cause serious problems.

Inhalation of cigarette smoke causes inflammation of the airways and leads to respiratory symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and reduced exercise tolerance and stamina.

Inhaling smoke from a can might lead to similar effects. This is mainly because of the toxic ingredients within the plastic. When smoked, these compounds enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body.

Some of these toxins include formaldehyde, benzene, acrylonitrile, styrene, styrene monomer, bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates. All of these chemicals are harmful to your health and can cause some pretty nasty side effects.

Let’s talk About The Styrene Monomer

Styrene monomers are a type of organic compound that is used to create plastic. They can be found in things like paints, varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, sealants, rubber, and synthetic fibers.

Styrene monomers have been associated with headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and skin rashes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that styrene monomers “are classified by IARC as being possibly carcinogenic to humans.

Is It Possible To Develop Alzheimer’s Disease If You Smoke Out Of A Can?

The truth of the matter is that we are not sure whether you can develop Alzheimer’s if you smoke out of a can. However, there is evidence to suggest that smoking out of cans could increase your risk for developing dementia.

There is currently no evidence that smoking out of a can will cause Alzheimer’s disease. However, studies show that there is an increased risk of cognitive decline when people smoke out of a can compared to those who do not smoke out of a can.

It is important to note that although smoking out of a can is unsafe, using cigarettes is still just as dangerous. People who use cigarettes are at more than double the risk of developing heart disease and lung cancer compared to non-smokers.

Does Smoking Out Of A Can Affect Your Memory?

There are two main types of brain cells; neurons and glial cells. Neurons make up the majority of the cells in our brains, while glial cells help support them.

Glial cells play a crucial role in maintaining healthy levels of neurotransmitters in the human brain. If they become damaged, neurochemical imbalances may occur which can damage memory function.

One study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles showed that smokers who smoked out of a can had higher levels of the amyloid-beta protein, which plays a key role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study also found that people who inhaled cigarette smoke through their noses were at greater risk of experiencing memory loss.

Should You Smoke Bud Out Of An Aluminum Can?

The bottom line here is simple – don’t do it. There is no definitive answer regarding whether or not you should smoke out of a can, but there is enough evidence to raise concerns about doing so.

That being said, it is always better to err on the side of caution. So rather than taking chances with your health, you might want to look for other options.

If you decide to try smoking out of a can, please keep in mind the following risks you could be taking on:

  • Aluminum is known to cause neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The use of aluminum can cause a significant increase in blood lead levels.
  • People who smoke out of cans are at more than double the risk of developing heart disease compared to non-smokers.
  • Smoking out of cans increases the risk of lung cancer by 50 percent.
  • According to the American Lung Association, smoking out of cans is one of the most dangerous practices you can engage in because there is no filter between the tobacco and the user. In addition, when you smoke out of a can, you can end up inhaling ash particles along with the smoke. And since the ash contains nicotine, you could end up getting high off something that gives you a negative experience.

But even though it may seem like a good idea to smoke out of a can at first, it may end up backfiring against you. So what should you do instead? If you’re looking for alternatives to smoking out of a can check out our list below:

What Are Some Safer Options?

There are plenty of other things you can use instead of an aluminum can if you find yourself short on your regular equipment. Below we have listed several ways you can enjoy your pot should you find yourself without a pipe, papers, or a bong:

You Could Use Fenty Blotting Sheets

If you usually use papers to enjoy your bud you could consider using fenty blotting paper as an alternative if you find yourself sans any papers. The downside of using these sheets is the fact that they tend to burn quite quickly. But they will do the job in a pinch.

You Could Use Corn Husks

Another option would be to use corn husks. These are actually pretty easy to come across. All you need to do is go to your local grocery store and get some corn husks.

Simply soak them in water overnight before you use them. This way they won’t dry out so fast. Then simply pack your husk and roll yourself a joint.

You Could Use Hot Knives

Hot knives work great too. Just put a couple in a pan on medium heat and then place your weed inside. When the weed has absorbed the moisture from the hot knife it will start to release vapors into the air. Then all you have to do is light this up and enjoy!

Final Thoughts

We hope that you enjoyed reading our post about how smoking out of a can is potentially bad for your health.

Although smoking out of a can isn’t recommended, it certainly doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t enjoy the experience. As long as you know the risks involved, there really is nothing wrong with indulging in a little bit of DIY when it comes to getting high.

Tom Bowler