The Mag Landrace: From Iran To Illinois – Why Are So Many Excited About This Strain?

As Americans, our relationship with the Middle East is a little jaded, what we perceive of the rolling hills and tundras of countries colloquially called ‘the Stans’, Iran, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc., is quite different to the reality.

You may be surprised to hear we may have more in common than you think, if we told you there were fields and fields of marijuana in Afghanistan and the Middle East that are the original strains we get all our strains from.

The Mag Landrace From Iran To Illinois - Why Are So Many Excited About This Strain

That’s right – today we are talking about landraces, specifically the Mag landrace, some of which are making it into our mainstream cannabis communities in America.

To understand the importance, covet, and rarity of these plants in mainstream marijuana markets, we must understand some history of the plant itself.

Here’s our profile on the landrace known as the ‘Mag Landrace’. Keep reading to learn about these strains as well as about the history of the cannabis plant!

What Is A Landrace?

If you aren’t a cannabis connoisseur, then the term landrace may be quite an unknown one for you.

There’s a lot to talk about with landraces, so we’re going to cover them in a short but informative way, so buckle up.

Essentially, we can consider the landraces as the progenitors of modern cannabis, all the weed you smoke now will have come from a landrace at some point. 

Most people assume that cannabis came from Central Asia, which it sort of did in terms of market routes, but if we are talking about the original cannabis plant, it originated in the Himalayas originally on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

These areas at the foot of the Himalayas are still amazing places to grow marijuana and are rather ideal in their climate.

The Silk Road likely brought over much of the cannabis into Europe, as well as The Scythians, a different story entirely, as cannabis became popular for its material hemp as well as its psychoactive properties.

So fast-forward to modern day cannabis, most are hybrids, right?

You are usually buying something which has had its genetics spliced with another plant. Often modern cannabis is X% cannabis sativa and Y% cannabis indica, depending on the genetics.

What if I told you these land races are the original sativa and indica?

While different plant genetics mean the plant’s properties may be slightly different, like any plant, the climate they grew in and their evolution within these areas are what started sativa and indica.

The plants that grew close to the equator, which had long summers which were dry, evolved into the sort of plant we would recognize as cannabis sativa.

The plants that grew up in the mountains in cooler and temperate climates with more rainfall would eventually evolve into what we recognize as cannabis indica.

As mentioned, there is a lot to talk about with landraces, but as you can already see they are the original cannabis plants that are the ancestors of many of the strains we smoke today.

Almost any strain you are smoking can be traced back to these landraces.

What is the Mag Landrace?

The Mag landrace is a 100% pure indica strain, that’s right, 100% indica. This has a mere 1% CBD, but a whopping 27% of totally unadulterated THC goodness. This particular landrace is from Iran where its growth is endemic.

To reiterate, this is a landrace which means that the genetics of this landrace are totally untouched apart from evolution.

This plant would be extremely similar to what would be considered the original indica plant. It is from this plant that we get any other indica.

Just think about a purebred animal, people go mad for them because no one has touched their genetics. This is the same situation, people would literally go on a pilgrimage to Iran simply to try these landraces.

The Mag Landrace From Iran To Illinois - Why Are So Many Excited About This Strain (1)

What Does It Look Like?

You will know if you have real Mag based purely on its looks. Once you recognize the plant you won’t mistake it for anything else.

The buds are rather narrow and tall but their shape will be affected by how and where they grow on the plant.

The buds aren’t huge and often aren’t the most dense as we have come to expect. Yet, this does not reflect the quality of the marijuana in this case.

Getting the buds to look like frosty rocks of hash is definitely a modern addition to genetics.

The color is also remarkable. When we think of purple weed we often think of Purpdogg or Granddaddy Purp, this is the race that came from. 

The buds often have dark green leaves, and the buds themselves often have that purple hue many have become fascinated with, on this landrace they can even seem black.

You can also expect to see the same orange pistils we recognize on modern cannabis.

What Are Its Effects?

Of course, with an average of 27% THC you can be sure this one will send you into a different time period for sure. When the Afghan people smoked this they would turn it into hash and smoke it in a pipe, they declared it was the ‘eye to the soul’.

Many suggested that Alexander the Great’s conquering reign was thwarted when he went to Afghanistan, they introduced him to cannabis and he wanted to stay for a while as he liked it.

As a pure indica strain, what can you expect? Well smoking in the modern day, this would certainly be a bedtime smoke, potentially the ultimate sleeper smoke.

Many report, of the few to try the bud, that it starts pretty strong and teepers off, in comparison to modern cannabis.

Just like Alexander the Great’s conquering of Asia, this high will smash through any ache or pain in your body, and any anxiety and energy in your mind. As a pure indica, this does everything you may expect an indica to do, and more.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go, bet you didn’t know that the countries at the feet of the Himalayas, Iran, Afghanistan, etc, are the holy land of marijuana?

These land races are really interesting especially if you are into plants, or at least into marijuana.

They have little potential, as we have hybridized and bastardized these original genetics to a commercial degree, but the concept of smoking the original and pure genetics of these hybrids has ironically become very sought after and coveted.

If you can get your hands on some Mag, or any other landrace, we really recommend giving it a go. It’s even stronger than you will have thought, and now is the time to buy it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Has Mag Come To The US Now?

One question you  may be wondering is why Mag and other landraces started to pop up now?

Well some US growers and cannabis connoisseurs have finally got some good seeds to grow right here in the US, but still with the intent to keep their genetics pure.

If you have seen or tried Mag in the US it is almost definitely from a company called Ataraxia.

Ataraxia will tell you that they didn’t actually have any luck with seeds, in fact the Mag landrace was successfully grown in the US, Illinois to be exact, thanks to propagation.

Propagation is a horticultural process whereby a cutting is taken from the mother plant and then used to grow the same plant but without seeds. From Iran to Illinois, 

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Tom Bowler